Look A Like Report
Learn More About Your Customers So You Can Find Prospects Just Like Them
This unique report applies basic but important demographic elements including age, gender, race, education, income, marital status, family size, children, home ownership and so much more. Once your current list is uploaded, you will receive a report that includes a demographic portrait of your customers enabling you to define your prospective market potential.
This information will provide the ideal demographics for defining your market, targeting your marketing campaigns and purchasing a mailing list of potential new customers. To keep it simple, this report will share attributes that “look like” your current customers.
In addition, this report can also help you identify which areas you have a strong or weak market presence in, learn who your best customers are and how they differ from your less active customers.
Gain additional insight that will tell you how to market to them more efficient and cost effectively.

Need help with building a list? Contact our marketing experts now or call 866-363-9576.