D&B National Masterfile
The D&B Masterfile allows you to target the greatest number of ideal prospects for your direct mail campaigns. Through the wide variety of selectors available, you can reach businesses and executives that are most likely to need and use your products and services.
Update Frequency: Monthly
Popular Selects
- Title
- Employee Size and Annual Revenue
Additional Selects
- Small Business Indicator
- Fortune 1000 Indicator
- Owns/Rents Indicator
How Data is Compiled
This list has been compiled from multiple data sources such as telephone directories, government filings, and annual reports.
Recommended Usage
Users of this file would include marketing and advertising agencies, multi-media firms, catalogers, publishers, software distributors, and credit card issuers.
Total Universe:
Last Update:
Update Frequency:
Base Rate:
$60/M Business Name and Address Included
Selects are Additional
Market Type:
Marketing Channels:
Print & Mail, Telemarketing, & Email
Minimum Orders:
Minimum Quantity:
100 Records
Minimum Order Cost: