Can Mobile Data Win Sales & Make You More Money?
Ten times the response rates of traditional marketing campaigns. That’s how Pamela Oldham of DMNews describes it. If your company is smaller than Walmart or Microsoft, you might not have heard about using mobile data and marketing this way.
Until recently, it’s been very hard to do …unless you had a team of data scientists and PhD’s on your payroll.
You’ll Want To Understand This, So Let’s Compare A Few Things
Back in the days of newspapers, magazines and TV, marketing was still simple. There were only a few ways to get your message in front of people. Yet this kind of marketing was severely limited. Marketers could only guess who was watching TV. People learned how to fast forward over the commercials. Along came the internet, the desktop PC and web browsers.
Google figured out how to make the whole world come to them and type out exactly what they were looking for. Because of this, Google reigned supreme for a few years. But little did Google know the size of the pandora’s box they opened.
People were getting used to immediately accessing the offers they wanted to see. Marketers were starting to get an inkling of how to reach the right people at the right time with the right message.
Retargeting pixels, for example.
These little bits of web code were like a trail of breadcrumbs that could tell advertisers even more about what people wanted. Yet the more data was available, the more complicated marketing became.
The Mobile Explosion
Suddenly handheld phones and devices could do what those big clunky desktop computers could do. Mobile put a tiny super computer within reach of just about everybody. In 2015, there were about 4 to 5 billion iOS and Android devices in the hands of consumers (compared with about 1.6 billion PCs). So said Forbes and Benedict Evans, a mobile technology expert and partner at Andreessen Horowitz. Forbes
By 2020, Evans estimates that 80% of adults worldwide will have a smartphone. Winston Crawford, COO of Drawbridge, says that the average US family has about three devices per person, including items like smart TVs, gaming devices, tablets, laptops, and phones. That’s potentially more than a dozen devices per family.
Making matters even more complex, online consumers might research a product on one device, but then make the purchase with another device. People don’t even use web browsers or even good old Google like they once did. According to Nielsen studies, people significantly prefer to use apps like Facebook, Instagram and Uber. Smart Insights
The data from these apps are not yet discoverable by Google or other search engines. Yet smartphones generate a giant stream of behavioral data. Everything from location to browsing and buying habits.
What does the data say?
For a while, nobody knew. There was just too much of it! Big corporations started buying big buildings and filling them full of computers. All of them straining to warehouse and analyze all this data. Of course, this meant hiring teams of data scientists. Highly paid experts who knew the tricks for finding the useful info hidden in the noise.
Most businesses don’t have the resources to store or analyze this data in-house. Nor can they hire the data science skills. Yet there’s a way around all this.
Why Mobile Data Can Help You Now
When big business started storing all this big data, they needed to make things simpler. So, they created the cloud.
What is the cloud?
It’s simply a group of connected computers designed to run apps or provide a service.
What does this mean for you?
Now you can access the same services, the same data analysis…that was once only available to the biggest companies.
Demographics Vs Mobile Data
In the old days, marketers used demographics. Let’s say they targeted ads towards 23 year-old females in Los Angeles. Yet people are completely different, even within this demographic. They like different brands, some are single, some are married. All of them are at different points in their life. Only a few of them might be interested in what you offer. With mobile data, you get an immediate list of highly interested prospects. They are all different ages, different demographics…but all of them want to talk to you.
The Power of Mobile Data And Right Time Marketing
Consumers are leaving more and more clues for marketers to analyze. Let’s say they have some important life event coming up. They’re getting married, buying a house or having a baby. The apps they use and their activity shows they’re engaged in searching for a loan. Or insurance, a car or a home.
How valuable is this information to you?
Since you provide these products or services, you reach out to them with a personalized message, using their name. They’re searching. They want offers in front of them. They want to find you. And because of the way apps and mobile work, they’re expecting you to talk to them.
No wonder this marketing has 10 times the response rate!
Brands, large or small, who reach out during these crucial life moments can retain previous customers and create many new, loyal customers for life.
Contact us to learn more about how mobile insights can improve your marketing.
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